Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Week 47 - 2014 in Photos

Day 323

Interesting week which allowed little time for photography, and post processing. But it was also a week interesting weather. I love snow to photograph. It is great for black and white treatment. But I am a lover of color. So between snow pictures I post processed abandoned files using max color. Brightens up a dull day of blowing snow.

Day 324

Scrappy first appeared on my Facebook timeline. Post of cute cats. But there is something a bit more artistic about this photo. Light, brushes in the foreground go to enhance Scrappy's pose on the cat ladder.

The first photo was junkyard and so is the following one. I love rust patterns. And combined with remnants of paint on this barrel it almost looks like a survey map of an undiscovered ocean.

Day 325

And then there is snow. And so much snow nobody much was out which made for fabulous untouched scenes. This is the color version. Color provided by the bare branches of the aspens.

Day 326

And at the end of the snowy road was the ranch keeper's pickup cooling off. Do not know the age of this vehicle but in spite of occasional breakdowns it keeps on running. Older pickups are easier to fix for those of us that leave hours from the nearest dealership. This truck, in my opinion just keeps looking better and better.

Day 327

The below photograph was taken at the same location as Day 326. The continuing snow shows up better in the black and white version. Eighteen inches of snow had fallen over night and it continued to snow throughout much of the day but lighter.

Day 328

The falling snow against the frozen ice surrounding  open water for the ducks added to an interesting mix of textures. And this is a color photo. Falling snow reduced the color saturation quite beautifully.

Day 329

1 comment:

I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.