Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week 40 - 2015 in Photographs

Day 274
 We seem to be hanging between seasons. Other years we have already had snow. And snow could come and go any day. Meanwhile we are enjoying more Indian Summer weather. Great weather to be out and about with a camera. The hawks and eagles and ravens believe it is a great time to soar. Some mornings the air just seems full of them. Hard to take a picture without one or two captured.

Day 275

Seasons have colors and I do not mean just the spring green or fall gold. Water changes color too. The temperatures cause or cease the blooms of algae in them. Fall can have some of the bluest waters and most clear reflections. The birds are getting new plumage, the grasses are going to seed, and the trees are preparing for winter.

I pick up feathers and rocks and seed pods which I stuff in hat bands and pockets and this particular feather I put on the truck door to bring inside later. That was a week ago and it seems to have stayed there.

Day 276

Day 277

That desire to collect the last of summer before it is buried in snow drives my photography too.
And goes with me inside because there is also a certain color to the sun streaming through the windows at a lower arc in the sky.

Day 278
I am also working on a theory about the quality of black and whites in the fall. I love black and whites in the winter when nature has added the white in the form of a blanket of snow. Fall does not provide the dynamic contrast of that pure white. There are more shades of gray to work with, however. It is a good time for textures.

Day 279

The aspen above lost its leaves very early. I find myself wondering if it will green up next spring. And the grandmother ponderosa below seems to every fall have less live branches. Its silhouette more lacy. Maybe it is a strategy to withstand better the winter gales on its high hill. The hawks would miss it if it was not there to hunt from.

Day 280

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