Saturday, December 29, 2018

To Post a Daily Photo or Not?

I have done the daily photo challenge since 2012. I got if off the internet as a way other photographers were encouraging themselves to take pictures. I have proven to myself I don't need to do that. I take pictures. I take my camera to lots of places. I make up excuses to take my camera places.

I take pictures of flowers and reflections in ponds and pictures I am painting and my pets and how deep the snow was. And dead Raven Wings with rain drops.

I don't need a challenge to take photographs. But doing the challenge for seven years has resulted in a nice sorting of my photos and been an assistance to finding photos to print, enlarge, enter in contests, or use for banners and on blogs. And it forced me to post frequently on my various pages and also blog routinely.

But having blown it a few times this year on numbering the photos, and a dwindling readership on this blog I find myself bristling at beginning another year of the challenge. And a couple photographer friends who took part of this journey with me have moved to another way of expressing themselves.

I am giving myself permission to change - and change my mind. I am going to focus on more free form in blogs and maybe even in photography. It is no long about capturing the perfect landscape in my travels or the perfect dawn outside my studio. Binford-Bell Studio page will still do that. And Binford's Back Country Photos  I promise won't be as abandoned as it has been this last couple of years.

And I promise to update the other pages on this blog with more current inventory. And as I move through the coming year of creative shift I will blog more about the journey I am on and the creative process.

Happy travels to us all. Hope you come along for the ride.

Note: All photos on this page are from my blog archives. No numbers and no years but they span a few.


  1. Agreed. I photograph every day but found, after many years of doing a 365, that daily posting because a chore and tracking the daily posts tedious. Add to that being more active on Instagram and other arenas and the whole thing because 'hard.'

    I applaud your efforts and your willingness to explore!

    1. Thanks for your support. I also found the daily posts tedious and quite artificial. I don't take single photos. Why post that way? And I found it limited not just me but viewers commentary and input. Difficult to begin a conversation with just one word.


I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.