Sunday, February 24, 2013

Our Bodies to Abuse

Venus de Milo with Drawers by Dali

Our Bodies
they abuse
thinking they have every right
to invade.

Poison our minds
take our breasts
penetrate our wombs
as if theirs.

Turn our hearts
against us
making us obey their will
by rape.

legal or illegal
we are slaves to the narrow mind
of men.

J. Binford-Bell
February 2013

With special thanks to the GOP


  1. really well written, this should be an information piece

  2. Rape of minds and bodies with no remorse from the perpetrators. Well said.

  3. This brought back memories I thought I had buried. Well written Jacqui.

    1. I am sorry if this poem brought back pain that is unresolved. I certainly hope you have someone to talk to if you need to.

  4. Snap! Nothing more to say - you've said it all perfectly.

  5. Great! Especially the footnote. Too many narrow minds of men in the halls of government these days.

  6. A raw and real take on the prompt. I used to work in a rape crisis center, and it was a sad awakening for me to see how prevalent it is in our society.



I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.