Sunday, August 27, 2017

Week 34 - 2017 in Photographs

Day 232
Evidence my life has been too busy of late is that there is no blog for Week 32. It seems as if I am barely getting photos taken and posted on Binford-Bell Studio on Facebook. A follower even commented that she had missed a week or two. I had missed a week and because of misnaming it looked like I had missed two.

But I have been taking photographs. Again mostly close to home. I am looking forward to some time this coming week to hop into the pickup and go on a day trek with camera. It isn't just about time but weather. Lots of rain and thunder storms and ergo lots of flowers.

Day 233

Day 234

The three photographs below are more digitally manipulated.  Day 235 is using a brush stroke filter. The field of flowers reminded my of Monet and I decided to go that direction.

Day 235
And hollyhocks always look good with an enamel filter.

Day 236

Day 237

The art in the heron photo was getting the car stopped, window rolled down and telephone lens exchanged for wide angle and picture taken before they flew away. They are generally very nervous about sounds. Maybe they were half asleep.

Day 238
So do I go back and post a blog for Week 32? It will be out of sync with the rest of the year. Maybe the photos were forgettable? I will have to look at that.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Week 33 - 2017 in Photographs

Day 225
All about skies this week. New Mexico monsoons create the most awesome clouds. All of these I photographed from my studio deck. Been a busy week in the arts so nice to not have to go anywhere.

Day 226

Day 227

Day 228

Day 229

Day 230

Day 231

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Week 31 - 2017 in Photographs

Day 211
 One again I did not get far from home. Fortunately home ground had lots of photo opportunities from dawn to hummingbirds to flowers.

Day 212
 Dawn and dusk offers swarms of humming birds to try to photograph. High speeds in dim light. And later this week close to hundreds of birds looking like swarms of bees. The photograph above has 21 birds. Or can you find more?

Day 213
 And then there is Day 213 where I decided to see if I could focus in with the long lens before it flew away. They pause and wait for their opportunity at one of the three feeders. I fortunately have things they can roost on so you focus on their favorite perches and wait for one to land.

Day 214
 The water lilies were on my drive path to two cats I was sitting. They were a pleasant surprise. And proof you should never go out of the house without your camera.

Day 215
Back at home there was raindrops on hollyhock buds.

Day 216
 And pansies.

Day 217
The monsoon rains continue. They keep me rooted at home as much as the absence of time in my schedule to free roam in a wider circle. Some opportunities next week. Want to get down to Las Vegas to photograph their old buildings but I have been saying that for a month.