Monday, December 31, 2018

Still Life Photographs of 2018

Silk flower in an alley in Trinidad

One of my "tasks" of each year is to review the photographs and pick what I believe are the best in various categories. My father told me my first year of college when he handed me yet another of his old cameras for my Photography 101 class that college was not so much about learning the class content as it was about  learning how to teach yourself for the rest of your life.

As a photographer that is about judging myself and tracking my progress. I give myself homework and tasks and subjects to work on to hone my skills. I confess they are seldom about f-stops. I love best photographing landscapes but I also set myself the task of seeking out still life compositions where I find them. The photograph above also included textures which was another task.

Lake shore in Spring

The still life of the rocks along the shore was definitely about texture. I confess to loving texture in photography. And this was not exactly a "still" life as the lake was moving beneath the slowly melting ice. You could hear it groan and complain. And rocks which had been tossed upon the lake by I assume bored teens were beginning to melt through the ice and now and again one fell through and left a hole.

Crystal Reflections

The still life Crystal Reflections, a crystal bowl on polished granite, essentially has no texture. Just light refractions and reflections.

String of Garlic

The string of garlic hanging on a stucco wall was of course about texture. I could have satisfied my assignment with just one photo but I photographed it for several days in a row at different times of the day because it was also about light and shadow. I printed this one 18 x 24 on canvas. It hangs at Enchanted Circle Brewery with other photographs of mine. 

Tin Heart

Some still life photos are a basis to play with photo editing programs. The tin heart above I used for note cards. I played around not just with the texture but the crop on Crystal Buddha. I wanted to reduce the original photograph to its essence if you will. To me this defines our delicate world in the hands of mighty forces.

Crystal Buddha 

And like the crystal bowl some still life photos are an attempt to capture the light which plays on them. Photography is all about light.

Holders of Light


  1. The texture of the wall in the last one caught my eye more than the subject in front of it. How many angles of light did you have on that? Nicely done.

    1. The light comes from a high window in the upper right.


I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.