Sunday, October 24, 2021

Golden Days of Indian Summer

Standing out in a crowd

Some autumns are just better than others. This one was different. It looked like snow would come early but after a couple brief false starts it went away. Nights have been cold but the days warm. Windy and busy so I have had to sneak in my leaf peeping. But after years living here I have most of the most spectacular show offs memorized like the crown grove below. The weather conditions gave it more red and orange this year. 

Crown grove

But there were some surprises like when I got lost down an off road in Valley of the Utes. loved the layers of colors visible from the top of a hill.

Valley of the Utes 

The winds blew the high clouds around and in the photo below seemed to give this grove of aspen a halo or tiara.

But sometimes it isn't about a huge grove of color but the light within the grove. Autumn light in a New Mexico forest has a unique color and feel.

Bench in the shade of aspens

Gold on a familiar hillside

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