Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week 42 - A Week if Aspens 2018

Day 277

It was an early and short season of fall glory of the aspens but it was also very intense. Having only 40% of the normal snow through the winter and a dry spring was blamed for the early and abbreviated colors but it did not lessen the colors like a summer drought does.

Day 278

All these photos were take up the back Ute Valley road. It was the road most traveled during that time. The Ute Valley has some very tall aspens which seem to grow to top out of the valley.

Day 279
 And it also has a lot of groves of very young aspens.

Day 280

Day 281

Day 282
 And there are the panoramas with the aspens in all shades of turning from the intense green to the rich frost kissed orange.

Day 283

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