Sunday, July 18, 2010

Art Sunday Revived - Andre Derain

Blackfriars Bridge

Once upon a time on Y!360 we did an Art Sunday Tour. I began by showing the art of others and then moved to daring to show my own art. Now on my Facebook Fan Page I show my own art and feature famous artists and their quotes. I realized today as I was going through my files of famous artist images that I probably had more Andre Derain than any other painters so I figured I would post an Art Sunday blog and feature more than one of his works.

Andre Derain (1880-1954)

Derain was one of the founding fathers of fauvism, and one of its wildest practitioners. Influenced by van Gogh and working with Valminck in 1904 he felt that the impressionists had disintegrated their work into dots excessively. Instead, he chose to use wide, choppy brush strokes of pure color. In 1905, he worked with Matisse to bring the technique to maturity.

 Derain paints boats and I paint canyons but I find his work very inspiring. I love how he reduces a scene to almost an abstract block of colors but the images hold in tact.

Charing Cross Bridge

By the Sea

And I love his vivid use of color. For more about Andre Derain see Wiki.


  1. It is certainly easy to understand your being influenced by Derain's works. Seeing his use of vivid color in Blackfriars Bridge caused me to immediately think of your art works.

  2. Interesting information as for me. Thanks a lot for enlightning that data.

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