Friday, February 3, 2012

Playing around in my digital sand box

Original photo

My theory on learning how to use my post processing software is to take one image - one with a good strong but somewhat simple composition - and run it through the paces. I loved this old adobe building in La Cuerva and especially the window and shutters. I was looking first for a way to make that aspect more dynamic. And reduce the weight of the eaves.

Subdued original
I first tired to make the picture more colorful by raising the saturation level but the white and blue of the window actually was more prominent with the saturation level decreased. The shadow of the tree on the wall also became a stronger component of the photograph with the more subtle coloring. And I though it added a sense of drama. Especially in contrast with the delicate pink flowers behind the glass.

I then decided to play around with films and filters. The night filter seemed to be the logical choice given the shadow of the tree.

Night view

The photograph now looked as if it was taken at night with only the illumination of a full moon. And the eave vanished into the dark and ergo reduced the elements of the composition to the window and the shadows on the adobe wall. The pink flowers are more delicate and look almost withered behind the panes. It seemed a very good place to stop my exploration. But the glory of digital photography is that every single one of my versions is saved to its own file so why not try one more step.

Some moon lit night
This effect is called polished stone. The shadows take an even bigger part of the composition and a sense of foreboding to the picture. And I am happy I took one more step in the dry darkroom of my computer. The final picture is a painting in pixels.


  1. I would like to see your night time window pasted on the final version.

  2. Actually the night filter is on the final version but it could be darkened up. I will take a look at it.

  3. What I meant was to paste the window and shutters from the second picture and replace the window and shutter on the third thus keeping the great wall texture but with a contrasting less detailed texture on the shutters and the window frame and flowers looking more natural.
    Just a thought :)

  4. I really need to learn more about layers and cut and past, Brian. Considering buying a book to help.


I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.