Saturday, March 19, 2016

Week 11 - 2016 in Photographs

Day 71

Sometimes even photographers, or maybe especially photographers, need a different perspective. It is rather easy to get into ruts. Ergo the popularity of workshops. But I live in an area where taking workshops becomes very expensive because of distances to travel, etc. Fortunately the social network has provided groups which can stimulate the creative juices.

The opening photograph for this week was prompted by the need to post something beginning with the letter K in Photoartists Unleashed. Seems simplistic but it does get you walking around your house and the immediate world around you looking for things out of your norm. Ergo the Kettle at the top. I took my camera to work (don't quit your day job) in the hopes of finding a K. And while upstairs noticed the trees outside looked different from that particular angle. And so the next two photographs.

Day 72

Day 73

It is probably having grown into photography in the film era which makes me believe I cannot go home with only three photographs on a card (or previous a roll of film), so instead of turning in at my drive after working on painting window sills I went down the road and got the next two shots to fill a requirement for fence as a subject at another photography group.

Day 74

Day 75

I have been having issues with inspiration of late. As I told my photographer sister, it is just so ugly at the moment. No snow and too early for wild flowers and rather whimpy clouds which are not the great thunderheads we get in the spring. And even the ice is melting.

Day 76

But I luckily captured the still life arrangement above and the venue of crows with pair of geese on the melting ice below. But as week 12 began at Binford-Bell Studio I had only two photographs in the folder for the week. Fortunately the universe provided freezing fog this morning or I would have nothing to post tomorrow for Day 80.

Day 77

1 comment:

  1. Is it week 11 already? Wow! You're a great photographer! No matter what you, everyone gets into ruts. Sail on...


I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.