Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 43 - 2016 in Photographs/Indian Summer

Day 295

Indian Summer is a period of unseasonably warm, dry weather that sometimes occurs in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. The US National Weather Service defines this as weather conditions that are sunny and clear with above normal temperatures, occurring late-September to mid-November. It usually is described as occurring after a killing frost.

We have been definitely blessed with an Indian Summer this year. The killing frost(s) came in the third week of September. Since then we have enjoyed days in the mid to high sixties with nights frequently in the high thirties to mid forties. Most days I am able to work in my studio with the door open to the outdoors. And the colors have been fantastic.

One of the longest and most brilliant displays of aspen gold I can remember. So please forgive another week of photographs of them. Yesterday I noticed most of the trees here pictured are now without leaves. And still no snow in our forecast. 

Day 296

Day 297

The photograph above is one of my favorite because it show the unique sense of light during an Indian summer, and trees from green to gold.

Day 298
 So often as a photographer I focus on the aspens with their glorious crowns of gold and orange but if you are walking in the woods you come upon them through the trunks of firs and pines almost as if they are an Easter Egg hidden in the grass.

Day 299

Day 300
 Indian Summer not only changes the light but the water. The killing frost has cleared the water of all algae and moss and it is crystal clear and as reflective as a mirror.

Day 301

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Week 42 - Fall, Glorious Fall/ 2016 in Photographs

Day 288
 What an absolutely wonderful autumn it has been this year. And this will not be the last week of photographs of glorious aspens and miraculous skies. There is no snow in the next seven days. But I like pictures of snow on the aspens. And the ski resort town I live near is bemoaning the warm days. But for those of use disappointed by last year's poor showing of gold on our hills this has been a banner year. And I have yet to make a trip down to the Rio Grande to take in the cottonwoods.

Day 289
 My favorite aspen groves have done themselves proud. And so has my new Nikon D7100.

Day 290
 There has been so much color that I feel impelled at times to revert to black and white for balance. Aspens are more than just color. They are delicate ballerinas on hill tops and black and white shows that.

Day 291
 And with so many beautiful trees to photograph I find myself looking for unique ways to photograph them.

Day 292
 And showoff the glorious color.

Day 293
 Or the delicate structure.

Day 294

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Week 41 - 2016 in Photographs

Day 281

We have been enjoying what is called Indian Summer here in the high country. It is that extra long fall or the warm days after a series of hard frosts. It isn't just about the unseasonably warm weather or the fall colors or the delay of winter weather. It is known for its clarity of light and water and air and colors. Great for photographers.

Day 282

 This year the aspens have been fantastic. It isn't just because last year they weren't that great. The have turned colors slowly and there has been no freezing rains or winter type storms to knock the leaves off. If you live here long enough you become a scholar of the good years of color. And as a photographer you are always looking for the best trees to record.

Day 283

Day 284

Of a novel way of photographing them. Everyone is out there with their iPhones. Cars pull over at every colorful grove along the road. The trees are always taller away from the road.

And the golds more brilliant when the sun breaks through the clouds and lights them up.

Day 285

Day 286
 Or they are set apart by the dark greens of the conifers or the intense blue of the skies.

Day 287

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Week 40 - 2016 in Photographs

Day 274

This week is all about skies this week. And there were some awesome skies to photograph. Most of these I took on my two day retreat to Ojo Caliente Spa. Getting away from home has its advantages. My new Nikon D7100 has a dawn and dusk setting which has proven to be quite useful. Only Day 274 and 277 were not taken at dawn or dusk.

Day 275

Day 276

Day 277

Day 278

Day 279

Day 280