Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 43 - 2016 in Photographs/Indian Summer

Day 295

Indian Summer is a period of unseasonably warm, dry weather that sometimes occurs in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. The US National Weather Service defines this as weather conditions that are sunny and clear with above normal temperatures, occurring late-September to mid-November. It usually is described as occurring after a killing frost.

We have been definitely blessed with an Indian Summer this year. The killing frost(s) came in the third week of September. Since then we have enjoyed days in the mid to high sixties with nights frequently in the high thirties to mid forties. Most days I am able to work in my studio with the door open to the outdoors. And the colors have been fantastic.

One of the longest and most brilliant displays of aspen gold I can remember. So please forgive another week of photographs of them. Yesterday I noticed most of the trees here pictured are now without leaves. And still no snow in our forecast. 

Day 296

Day 297

The photograph above is one of my favorite because it show the unique sense of light during an Indian summer, and trees from green to gold.

Day 298
 So often as a photographer I focus on the aspens with their glorious crowns of gold and orange but if you are walking in the woods you come upon them through the trunks of firs and pines almost as if they are an Easter Egg hidden in the grass.

Day 299

Day 300
 Indian Summer not only changes the light but the water. The killing frost has cleared the water of all algae and moss and it is crystal clear and as reflective as a mirror.

Day 301


  1. I am so glad that I found your lovely blog. Your art and your photography totally connect with my soul :)
    Your newest follower and blogging sister,

    1. Thank you, Connie. What is the name of your blog.


I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.