Thursday, November 3, 2016

Week 44 - 2016 in Photographs

Day 302

The beasts above may be mustangs or a herd of wild horses which were transported to a ranch near me. It was not meant to be a great photograph but an identifying picture to send to a friend more experienced in such matters. His thought based on their coats and stature was they were. 

I don't always aim my camera with the goal of taking a prize winning photo which is good because I don't enter a lot of photographic contests like some of my friends. But I do regard myself as one up from the "I was here" snappers. I use a real camera. But some of my photos are for me just snaps. This week more than most. The photo below was to record the passage of time. The golden aspen leaves are off the treas and decorate the ground. 

Day 303

And my friend the buck was interrupted during his dining on bird seed. The Stellar Jays flew off to the branches. They were not amused.

Day 304

And the photo below is of the riot of color in my studio. Between the orchids and the Crow of Thorns it looks more like summer. My studio plant benches rearrange managed to group all the blooming plants in front of one window. The longer bench on the east facing window holds my experiment in growing greens through the winter.

Day 305
 And the eastern skies decided to make up for the lack of color by creating awesome dawns several days this week. The following are just two.

Day 306

Day 307

The last photograph is a reflection in other greenhouse windows. I was looking for another way to record the aspens in their waning days. And capturing my participation as well.

Day 308
Just snaps sometimes yield really great photographs. And sometimes they just mark time in hopefully artistic ways.

1 comment:

I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.