Sunday, November 4, 2018

Week 44 - 2018 in Photographs

Day 291
Wool Festival Jester

Noticed today I had forgotten Week 43 in my 2018 blogs. Considered going back and doing it before this week but then decided to just charge ahead. This week is better than Week 43. Or maybe that is just because I included two photos of Thicke, the prince of cats.

I usually do not put him in my weekly review of photos. But he is a frequent poser and the note cards I make with his image are best sellers.

When I began these photo a day postings back in 2013 I was religious about posting a photo I took on the day I posted it. Now I post a photo a day but sometimes I took them a week or two before. I do take photos daily but sometimes it is just to record my cat or the art work I am doing in the studio. And currently because of my active pursuit of fall colors I am a couple weeks ahead. And today I renamed a few of my files.

The viewing of my blog posts here on a weekly basis has diminished so I am rethinking them. Are they just for me?

Day 292
Zipper Dawn

Day 293
Shadows in the greenhouse

Day 294
Snow on the birdbath

Day 295
Frost patterns on the deck wind screen

Day 296
Thicke in a sunspot in the studio

Day 297
His favorite chair

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