Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Poetic Journey for Wednesday - Sorry

I used to apologize for everything - even the rain. A counselor made me try to break the habit. Convinced me I was not at fault for all the woes of the world. Lately I have noticed my tendency to say, "I'm sorry," even when it is not my fault has returned. And so came this poem.


Sorry is such a tiny word
But so much used and abused
So often forgotten when need the most
Too much buried under excuses
That rain hallow.

Five letters and only four unique
Tiny but of such consequence
Especially when not used
When required.

Chasms open
Friendships break with no bridges back
And so meaningless
When said too often as if magic
Like abra cadabra.

Sorry it's raining
Sorry you feel so bad
Sorry I wasn't aware
I mentioned a forbidden subject
But it wasn't me
Who need to say, "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry you used an excuse
So very elaborate and complicated
When a simple Sorry would have surficed
Just one simple word
So very difficult for so many to say

Sorry, sorry, sorry
But not my fault
But I will say sorry again
If it will make it easier
For you to say
I'm Sorry.

(c) J. Binford-Bell December 2009

If you have a poem you wrote or just one you read you would like to share leave a comment with your url. I will link you in to our Poetic Journey for this first Wednesday in December.

Nicholas V joins our journey on Intelliblog


  1. I've been caught saying sorry all the time.. and I've never really understood why people will catch me on it.

  2. Oh, the habits we wrap ourselves up when we are young. I love your poems.

  3. This poem Jacqui is excellent. Very, very good.

    This touched a chord with me. I am always being accused of saying that I'm sorry for whatever it is that I feel I cannot do anything about!

    They do say that the British have this tendency so perhaps that's it. Personally I think it was drummed into me at the convent!

  4. Mother always maintained everything was always my fault. So I think I just jumped in and assumed responsibility before the argument ensued.

    Counselors do say that the act of saying you are sorry even when it is in no way your fault gives us the feeling that we can also make it all better. We own the event.

    Dad was English and Irish so maybe it is genetic

  5. Yes, Jacqui, I agree with you. Sorry used to often and used as a panacea or as an argument stopper can debase the word.
    Here is a poem I wrote on the same topic some time ago:


    A word, like “love”, much debased;
    Devalued by the inflation
    Of much and constant overuse.

    Easy to utter, rolls off the tongue,
    Slips out without thought
    A panacea for all the world’s ills.

    Reclaim this word, and more,
    Like “love”, “honour”, “dignity”, “truth”;
    Say sorry and mean it!

    The trouble with words when said
    Superficially, is they can hurt
    More efficiently than silence.

    I say sorry only when I share your pain;
    For me love is rare, beautiful, ideal –
    Dignity, honour, truth are life-long goals
    To be attained at great cost
    And often with self-sacrifice.

    And my blog poem for Poetry Wednesday:



I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.