Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Week 27 - 365 Day Challenge 2013

Day 183 - Reflections in blue

One of the side effects of the 365 day challenge is it has forced on me a certain organization I generally lack. And doing a weekly blog often shows up the errors in that organizational scheme. This photo was not sitting patiently in the Week 27 folder as it should have been. Which means of the nine photos in that folder three are also ran's. Some weeks have a lot more also ran's than others.

Day 184

This week was probably high in extra photos because the poppies bloomed. After nursing them through the drought and a hail storm I certainly could not ignore them with the camera.

Day 185 - High Monet Pond

But I would have told you that last week was a difficult one for me and my camera. Yes, it still went everywhere with me. But I was often too involved to even remember it was there.

Day 186 - Violet reflections

And I also had too much drama to deal with and did not even dig photos out of past exhibitions. It took some time to deduce that the Week 27 folder has an excess of photos because I rolled over photos not used in previous weeks. The one above with the early dawn violet reflections is not even post processed. I slapped it into this folder because it seemed to have promise when I had the time and sense to consider it. And the same goes for Day 187 below.

Day 187

Day 188

About the only things I actively photographed last week were poppies and clouds and because they were there when I parked my car and gathered up the camera and realized that once again I had not noticed anything on my trip. Not anything I deemed worthy of a stop and a snap. I just didn't notice anything. My mind was so elsewhere.

Day 189 - Into every live a little rain must fall

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