Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week 41 - 365 Day Photography Challenge

Day 281

Last week was almost all about trees. One orchid photo slipped in, but the aspens were beginning to turn and my lens seemed to point leafward most days. And this was the last week, most likely, where all the photos posted will be from my trusty Nikon D90. It was showing its age and I was beginning to panic about being without a camera if it had to be sent off for service. Besides what photographer does not always want two cameras. I have a friend who has four.

Day 282 - the impostor 

Cannot for the life of me remember why the orchid slipped in. Must have been a cold and windy day that made me not want to hold a camera in an ungloved hand. It has been a chilly October with temps lower than average for this time of year. And the summer drought has taken a toll on the trees. This is most noticeable in the aspens which should have been in their peak of color this week. And yet in the panorama below there are only a few spots of weak yellow among the pines.

Day 283

The small grove of trees below has been one of my markers to return to fall after fall. Last year they were glorious and this year I wonder if they will make it to yellow before all their leaves, extra small because of the drought, fall to the ground. The lack of density in their foliage is obvious because of the light that streams through in this picture

Day 284

Day 285

These trees seen in reflection are healthy enough because of position near a pond, but they are not in full color yet. And the cold weather and winter like storms probably will keep them from having a crowning glory this year. As every photographer chasing fall color knows not every year is a winner. Last year was a record breaker.

Day 286

Cold nights and heavy frost have created some interesting photo alternatives to aspen gold. I loved the ethereal appearance of the melting frost, rising fog across the reflections in the pond but no gold. Some of the aspens in this reflection are still green. And not that intense almost translucent green they get just before turning gold.

The three trees below may be as gold as it gets for them this year. Bare branches indicate the leaves are already falling to the ground. Climate change has many victims.

Day 287

1 comment:

  1. I live in Colorado, SW part of the state and was able to take a drive over Kebler Pass last weekend. I was surprised at the glorious colors of the Aspens juxtaposition with the snowy caps. I posted a few of my pics this week (although my photos don't have the skill or technique of yours by any means). I find peace in their images.


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