Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week Four - 2015 in Images

Day 22

Finished up one painting this week, in the middle of a second, and just began a third yesterday. So my focus has been on painting. And my morning outings as been with the dogs and not the camera. There is a major snow storm moving in so all the same scenes will be new again. Snow changes things. Including mood and desire to take the camera out. January thaw continues on the whole. But then there was the day it didn't snow here but just on the high mountains.

Day 23

Everyone is probably getting tired of the snow capped peaks where I live. They often look rather stock photoish to me, but I admit to being overly fascinated with them this winter. Trying to come up with the perfect stock photo I suppose. I have found different places to take pictures from of this highest part of New Mexico. The camera has not gone on walks but it has gone on drives. No worries about snow or chuck holes with Big Blue.

Day 24

My camera's main focus this week has been is-it-done-yet photographs of paintings. Feeling guilty I took some extra time on the computer to post process a couple previous photos I took like this still life above. Or the water in the Rio Grande below taken when I had to run to Espanola for some things.

Day 25

A fan on Binford-Bell Studio Page said it made her dizzy. I wanted to reply, "Yes. And your point?" But I just posted the water flat. Cropped the bank line out of this one below. The flat line of the bank can be rather static even in a non-static body of water.

Day 26

Definitely a hodgepodge week with photographs. In part because I have designated next week as black and white so some of the photos taken this week are going to be seen next. And some of them posted this week were from last. I did a blog on Sidetracked Charley about the Creative DSLR Selfie and the photograph below is the lead selfie of those.  

Day 27
The creative selfie is suppose to say something about who you are. So a shadowy me before the reflection of a map where I live and the landscape I so often photograph behind me says a lot. But even people without cameras make statements about themselves in various ways. Decorating your space is one of those. If you do not hire a decorator. I rarely take portraits of people partly because where I live people are seldom in the scenes I focus on. My portraits of people are often their unconscious creations be it what they hang on their walls or leave in their yards like old and rusty cars.

Day 28


  1. As Always, am loving your work and must say I particularly like the first still life.

    Would love to have your energy right now so I could get out and about.

    Take care my dear. Hugs.


I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.