Sunday, July 29, 2018

Week 30 - 2018 in photographs

Day 203
 During monsoon season in the mountains the clouds are always a good place to begin a day. In the early dawn remnants of the storm clouds from the afternoon and evening before hang around and add to the early morning show.

Day 204
 I particularly like Day 204 because the dark storm clouds still hung over my house while the sun behind the mountain began to illuminate the fell clouds left in the southeast. 

July is always overly busy and routine seems to dominate the days. Easy to take the camera along on to the deck or a walk down the street or to an errand in Eagle Nest but not easy to get out beyond my valley for a day devoted to light and camera. And even if you could steal a day away it would be too crowded with tourists.

The photograph below is a neighbor's house. He usually has a few cars in the driveway and on his front yard. But on this particular weekend there were nine. I photographed it to record it but then began to play around with it in my photo editing program. Fun time in the quiet of the morning with another mug of coffee.

Day 205
 In day 205 the people are implied. Nine cars are at least nine people. Could be 18 or more. It has been especially hot in Texas and here frankly. But hot here is upper 80's and a couple days of low 90's. In Texas it has been above 100. So they come fishing.

Day 206

I was killing time before a store opened and took a walk above the shoreline of Eagle Nest lake. Usually I can find wild flowers blooming and waterfowl swimming but on this day it was people. Don't people my landscapes. When I uploaded to my computer I searched for artistic alternatives to modify the photos I took. I decided to go with Monet or Cezanne. Any of the Impressionists. It seemed to go with the theme of water and beaches and fishermen. And it obscured the messages on the t-shirts.

Day 207

Day 209

At the end of my walk stands the ruins of Eagle Nest Lodge. And swallowed by the trees it appeared more haunted than usual. Of as if it was an life itself staring out at me. The majority of my snaps on this morning were variations on this subject. Debating if I want to do it as a painting. It might not be haunted but it haunts me.

Day 208

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