Sunday, August 11, 2013

Can You?

Beauty, Love and Soul by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Visual prompt by The Mag 181

Can you
Can Can?
Swirl your skirts
and kick your legs
dance with all your soul?

Are you
a whirling dervish 
capturing love
and abandoning decorum?

Can you
Can Can
the blues away?

J. Binford-Bell
August 2013


  1. You know ~~ I think in can (can.)

  2. oops, hate it when my finger slips on the keyboard. I meant to say ...

    you know, I think I can(can.)

  3. I don't think I Can. But I do like the poem.

  4. I'd swirl my skirts for this one - if I wasn't wearing trousers! LOL

  5. My boys used to love the Can Can. I made it into a recycling song for them. "Can, can, milk jug, milk jug..."


I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.