Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 39 - 2017 in Photographs

Day 266
 I am a couple weeks ahead on my supply of daily photographs. Having my sister in town with her camera helped with that. And I knew I was going to be very busy getting my studio ready for the first ever Angel Fire Studio Tour so I stockpiled as it were.

And now I sit here before my computer in my totally spruced up downstairs enjoying the peace before the second day of the tour and the photographs I have taken. And excited, as any photographer would be, that next week I can take the camera out and get more photographs. And do it with no guilt because my time is free and open. 

These photos were taken close to home and hint at the fall to come. Next week is Tent Rocks which I visited with my sister. The folder for the week after is a miscellaneous one which I reserve to move to later in year if something awesome comes up to take its place. Sort of breaking the one photograph each day challenge rules, if there are rules.

But seldom does a day go by which I don't pick up my camera and record something in my life like dawn or a flower or a cute cat pose. And in this last week I basically used my camera to record my studio and its art so I could post daily on social media to build up the excitement of the tour. Later I will do a blog post of the studio photographs.

I have always taken photographs, but as I have mentioned before, the camera was an adjunct to the painting. I invested in better cameras to take better pictures of my paintings or better pictures for a future painting or to not have to hire a professional to take photographs for contest entries or webpages or advertisements. Somewhere in that process photography came into its own in my artistic life.

And with that I will stop typing and let you enjoy the coming of fall into my mountain paradise. As recorded on the trusty Nikon.

Day 267

Day 268

Day 269

Day 270

Day 271

Day 272

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