Saturday, October 28, 2017

Week 43 - 2017 in Photographs

Day 294
 It is all about the light. Cameras, whether they are film or digital, capture the light. 

One morning, while delaying arriving at my dentist appointment, I stopped at Eagle Rock Lake to capture the colors of the cotton woods. Yellow is one of those colors which captures light very well. And with sunlight streaming through the leaves they seem to glow.

Day 295
 What amazed me once back home and remembering I had taken all those photographs before have the truck not start, five teeth pulled, and lower face totally numbed is that fall photographs look awesome in black and white.

Day 296
 And the light streaming through the leaves and the trees and across the pond's surface is even more striking without the color.

Day 297
 As a landscape photographer who always eagerly awaits the fall colors I surprised myself during the post processing. It seemed like a sacrilege to remove the color. But photography is about the light. And that is so evident, as Ansel Adams proved, in the black and white versions.

Day 298

Day 299

Day 300

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