Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Poetic Journey - Little Coyote

Little Coyote

A stream crosses my backyard
In a land 
Which holds water prescious
The Little Coyote
Blesses me.

In the hot August days
It sneaks at the bottom of its bed
Calling me to its banks
To see if it is still there
It lingers
Its pace downhill slowed.

Winter it hides
Under layers of ice and snow
But come spring
It crests
Filling bank to bank
Speeding toward its big brother.

I beg it to stay
Please little Coyote
Stay full til June
To July and the monsoon rains
hold tight to your banks
Stay in my yard.

J. Binford-Bell  -- April 2010

Nicholas V at Intelliblog also has a poem for us. Do you? Leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely poem, Jacqui!
    Glad to see you're back hosting our Poetry Wednesday.


I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.