Friday, June 18, 2010

First Fair of the Season

I always do this thing of trying to paint up until the last minute. Stupid. Why do I year after year forget the work involved with preparation for the first fair of the season? Part of it is just re-checking all the boxes that have been in the storage shed with the stuff needed like tent stakes and bungees, duck tape and zip locks. Then there is updating title cards and inventory (OMG didn't get to that last one).

In point of fact as I was packing paintings yesterday I took Bridge of Enchantments down off the wall and realized up to that moment I had even forgotten I had done it. It appeared no where on the title cards or inventory or list of updates or even on my Facebook Fan Page. I was sure I did not have enough work for this first fair but now I wonder if I have enough room in the van.

This can be a bit problematic with the Red River Fine Arts and Wine Festival because I will set up the tent and display panels today and not bring over the art until tomorrow morning. Ergo it does not all have to be in the van at once until time to return on Sunday night. Hopefully I sell a lot so there is less to pack up.

My friend, Jennifer Cavan, just posted on Facebook that she is doing seven shows in the next nine weeks. She has a boy (codeword for husband) to help. And at least with fairs that close you probably never unpack. But still she will have missed summer in the mountains. I already feel as if I have neglected my garden and pets and house repairs just to prep for three shows in the neighborhood as it were.

So why do we do this? Good question. It certainly isn't for the money in this depressing economy. But I do have to sell some work so I can paint some more. And as an artist I always want to paint some more. In fact I have this great idea for a new painting I want to do before Artsfest. Guess I will pop the sketch book in the van tomorrow for those quiet moments at the fair while hoping there aren't any.


  1. I recognize my insanity! It is just that all of them sound so wonderful when I am felling housebound in February!

    PS Sell well!!!


I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.