Monday, July 11, 2011

Mag 73 - Let Me Out of Here

People of Chilmark by Benton
Let me out of here

She hated islands
Hated the sea
Would never have surrendered to sail
If he had not lured her there
With promises of romance.

She did not willingly
Let herself be hoisted to the dingy
She fought like a cat on the edge of the bath
Preferring to sink
With the ship.

As the waves swamped the life boat
She looked wishfully at her husband on the deck
Tried to transport herself to the tilting deck
Screaming let me out of here
She rode the wave overboard.

Stripping off her heavy garmets
She struck out toward the distant beach
The death boat and ship
Sinking behind her
Let me out of here she yelled.

The sea coughed her up
On the rocky Massachusetts shore
A widow and survivor
She clung to life
As all she had escaped vanished beneath the waves.

J. Binford-Bell
July 2011


I appreciate all kind comments on my art and poetry.